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I get the following error message: Unable to execute file CreateProcess failed; code 740. The requested operation requires elevation. how can this be solved

on checking the web I found the following information:

Error Code 740 is a harsh Windows error that is reason by unacceptable registry entries as well as out-of-date or crooked drivers. These errors be supposed to be solved instantly. If not, there will arise further corruption in additional applications as well as hardware such as hardware breakdown, blue screen errors as well as fatal crashes. The general indication comprise lock-ups, power cut or start up issues pc freezing, no sounds, issues as well as problems at the point in software installation.

As for the crooked drivers, I keep my drivers up to date at all times. I’m afraid Power Cmd will have to go. I cannot risk having my computer lock up due to a program I‘m likely to use once in a blue moon.

Whiterabbit-uk, 21.03.2012, 07:32
Idea status: under consideration


borninlyoko, 21.03.2012, 17:27
This is because you have Windows UAC enabled. You either have to disable UAC or run the program as an administrator (At least from my experience)

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